
R.I.P. Einstein

Honor, Aaron, Zay and Olly's cat Einstein was hit by a car and died yesterday. Honor's been petitioning for a speed bump in the very spot for years as cars zoom through the residential neighborhood at 45mph+ at all hours. He was nice cat who was robbed of his other eight lives. Slow down.
photo by Honor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They will not go quietly,
the cats who've shared our lives.
In suptle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think
we hear a meow at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them. . . and always will.