
Fuel Cell Bicycle

Coming to the US later this year, a steal at only $3,000, as long as you can find a fueling station. link


SiouxGeonz said...

I, too, don't "get" electric bikes, but I haven't tried one, either.... and I can't help but think that people who don't "get" endorphins shouldn't knock that 'til they've tried it, either.
"I'm not fat, I'm American!"

lemmiwinks said...

I "get" electric bikes because I used to use one. They're great transport while you're knocking yourself into shape. It's probably simpler down here because our laws mean that they're not very powerful whereas some of the bikes I used to see from the USA when I was on ebike mailing lists and forums were little more than lightweight motorcycles.

Having said that, hydrogen fuel cell anythings are a pointless waste of time. Hydrogen makes next to no sense at all in terms of energy inputs and it's highly unlikely that it ever will.

Anonymous said...

Most electric bikes are actually electric-assist bicycles. They supply only part of the energy needed. They let even an in-shape bicyclist travel much farther without getting exhausted or horribly sweaty.

I use a Bionx electric assist for my transportation. In the modes I use, it's supply between 35% and 50% of my energy. I routinely travel 30+ miles a day for work. It's just too far and takes too long on a regular bicycle on a daily basis. Plus, in warm weather on a regular bicycle I have to change clothes at the end of each leg of my trips, which adds a lot more time to my trips.

Without the assist, I would use a car. But with the Bionx, I stay relatively sweat-free and travel a good bit faster ( 13 mph without, 18mph with, average trip time). I save a LOT of money over driving. And I still get a good work out. In fact, since I'm probably bicycling 3x more miles than I was without the Bionx, I feel I'm in even better shape than I was with a regular bicycle.

The main advantages of the hydrogen approach is less "battery" weight with farther trip distances between recharges and faster "recharges". Although the bike shown really is more of a moped instead of an assist bike.

But regardless of the technology, electric assist bicycles are remarkably efficient. This hydrogen bike is getting the equivalent to 2000 miles per gallon in terms of the energy it uses.

Unknown said...

I think it's pretty!

梁爵 said...

2019.11.26知名酒店經紀公司數據統計調查顯示,有39.6%酒店上班族認為本身工時過長。但也有52.4%大學生酒店打工認為工時剛好,滿意目前酒店兼差工作狀態。而調查對象中的制服店、便服店、禮服店、鋼琴酒吧、日式酒店、飯局、傳播等八大行業工作人員每天平均工時落在8.7小時,與目前勞基法規定的每周工作總時數不得超過49小時相去不遠。知名酒店經紀指出,有29.2%酒店兼職受訪者每個月「不用加班」,另有61.8%則每個月都要加班,而平均加班時數為20.6小時。又從「坐檯陪酒或色情之伴遊、伴唱、伴舞、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化等行為」交叉分析可以發現,擔任「酒店小姐」最難為,加班的頻率及時數,高居之冠,成為最辛苦的職場族群。

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2020.05.15酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容新冠肺炎疫情逐漸緩和,我在酒店上班的日子八大行業停業超過1個月,酒店舞廳都盼能盡快酒店小姐一定有S?復業,台北市議員林瑞圖15日召開記者會 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?替特殊娛樂工會發聲,盼北市府能讓八大行業恢復營業,北市特殊職場須知 【酒店PT 】娛樂工會副理事長胡繼堯表示,如因疫情關係要實名制,也不是問題,重點是停業一天,對從業人員而言就是酒店打工「零」收入。日前因確診個案379從事八大行業,為避免疫情擴大,中央宣布酒店舞廳一律停業,不過近期疫情和緩,八大業者盼中央能盡快恢復營業,林瑞圖指出,八大行業停業連帶影響許多行業,像是美甲、美髮或計程車業等,而這些人也要維持家計,停業一個月等於收入就停擺,也沒有任何紓困補助。林還說,北市府原本宣布預計5月25日會讓八大復業,中央也沒有意見,但大家長是柯文哲,如市長不答應,也不能開放。胡繼堯說,來到現場的業者都是合法繳稅的酒店,其實很多酒店還是關起門來營業,這也是防疫破口,倒不如採實名制開放營業,工會也會介入輔導執行防疫工作。針對25日如北市府仍不願開放酒店復業,胡表示,一切會配合政府的政策,議員也會持續跟市長協調。在八大行業上班年約30歲的Angel指出,會從事八大行業一定是家裡有困難,不然誰想做八大,但現在停業連房租都繳不出來;在酒店擔任領班的JOJO也說,原本每月都有規畫收入花費,停業後就等於完全沒收入,找家庭代工來做也找不到。